Saturday, June 02, 2007

Defination of Vacuum

I was asked by a small kids recently if I knew something about vacuum and what the vacuum was actually. I had to introduce the meaning of vacuum to the kid and hear is what I explained to the kid : a vacuum is in fact to a volume office space that contains no matter at all and this is space is completely empty containing nothing but empty space. The result of the vacuum is the overall pressure that the surrounding areas of vacuum put upon the vacuum.

The meaning of vacuum specifically refers to and empty space that contains nothing at all inside it. There is a unit that is used to measure the quality of a vacuum. The quality of vacuum is measured by comparing the current vacuum with the absolute vacuum. Students those who study science are generally introduced the phenomena such as a vacuum and they are taught everything about the vacuum and lots of other features and properties of the vacuum as understood and defined by the modern science.


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