Saturday, June 02, 2007

Defination of Radar - What is a Radar ?

Definition of Radar

Many people are still not aware of what the radar technology actually means. RADAR is in fact a technology and a system that takes use of electromagnetic waves for the identification of physical ranges, altitude at specific positions , direction for specific locations , as well as speed of both the moving as well as fixed objects such as flying aircraft, ships in the ocean , motor vehicles running on the roads , weather formations about any specific position on earth , and terrain off any specific region of the earth .

One should know that A transmitter is a device that is used to emit radio waves from the transmitter and these radio waves when get reflected by any object in its way or a specific target and then when these reflected radio waves are detected by a receiver, which is generally located at the same place as that of transmitter one can know all information about the target such as its position or its speed in any specific direction if it is moving and not a stationary object.

RADARS are extensively used in defense as well as scientific study of earth and regions of the earth.


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