Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bird flu blood could cure H5N1 virus infection

Research is all over have been going on to find the remedy for H5N1 virus that is one of the most deadliest viruses that has ever affected the human society. The truth is the fact that H5N1 virus does require extensive research and a treatment solution for H5N1 virus so that the human society can be freed from the outbreak and effect of H5N1 virus on humans.

A recent research has concluded the fact that the antibodies when taken out from the blood of the bird flu can help the scientific community to find out solution for the H5N1 virus that affects over 6 billion people from all over the world. I believe that more research is required on this front before a conclusive outcome can be taken out from this research that can help the human society find out a remedy for H5N1 virus.


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