Saturday, July 07, 2007

New case of Foot-and-mouth disease found in zoo

It was reported by the office of Chief Disease Investigation Officer, Palode, recently that the resent death of the Mithun that took place at the local city zoo the places specifically as a result of the identified to foot-and-mouth disease which is better known as FMD as a short form.

The incident resulted in the form of three Mithuns getting culled recently in an attempt to contain what was then suspected to be foot and mouth disease.

It was the identified cape buffalo too that clearly reflected the signs of Foot and Mouth disease. That cape buffaly is currently being administered and being fed gentamycin injections twice within 24 hours . Currently, as a treatment, it has been informed back to Sulpha-trimethoprim combination mixed with a liver stimulant is currently being offered with the fodder which is being given to the clearly spotted deer, the black buck, hog deer and the cape buffalo as part of the emergency treatment of foot and mouth disease.


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