Monday, July 02, 2007

Saliva for detecting Gum diseases

There's a new technique which is coming up as the solid analytical tool for the detection of diseases which are existent inside the gums of the human body. This new technology is here to a involve a new kind of instrument that has the capability to analyze all kinds of enzymes that are present a very small quantity of samples saliva that is taken for the detection of any kind of disease in the gums of the human mouth.

The best part of this new technique is the fact that the results of this new technique are delivered right in a matter of many few minutes as compared to long delays which are induced in the cases of all other kinds of techniques which are used for the detection of gum diseases. The new technique is deployed using a pocket sized small device that measures to protein biomakers and is able to tell whether the person has any kind of disease present inside the gums and how far this disease has actually spread throughout the gums.


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