Friday, June 01, 2007

How does BanKey.A and BankFake.A trojans attack a PC

BanKey.A and BankFake.A are malicious trojans that the spread through msn messenger on the internet. Both the trojans have some very similar characteristics that are common to both the trojans .

Both banker Trojans display a fake online banking screen and invite the users to enter their bank details such as their bank account numbers, passwords, etcetera.

Once the user enters the information, it is immediately sent by email to the malware creators.

Apart from these common characters , these trojans has differences with respect to the way they send data.

BankFake.A a trojan uses a secure SMTP connection through port 465 and then it sends out encrypted data the to the owner.

BanKey.A trojan sends data to a Gmail account, using a template that is designed by the Trojan itself.


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