Friday, June 01, 2007

China launches new SinoSat-3 satellite

China has finally launched SinoSat-3, the new communications satellite into orbit early Friday.The SinoSat-3 has been deployed to relay radio and television broadcasts across the country.

The Long March-3A rocket lifted off from the Xichang launching center in southwestern China eight minutes after midnight (1608GMT) and separated from the SinoSat-3 satellite 24 minutes later, the Xinhua News Agency said.

The chinese SinoSat-2 communications satellite was launched last October, but malfunctioned and will not be replaced for at least three years, said officials.

The newly deployed SinoSat-3 satellite was not developed as a replacement for the inoperable SinoSat-2, though Sino Satellite Communications Company, the satellite's operators, may use SinoSat-3 to replace part of the service the other satellite was to have provided.


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