Friday, June 01, 2007

Personal safety by King Cobra Stun Guns

If you are looking for a self defense device that can protect you all the time where are you go wherever you are any time anywhere, then I dont believe there can be any other more better self defense device other than the mighty king cobra stun guns.

King cobra stun guns are powerful non lethal self defense device that has ever been made available for the common users out there. I believe the government should take an initiative and should take away all licenses for the possession of guns by the civilians and the common man in the society and should allow everyone and should guide the society to use and have the mighty king cobra stun guns which are powerful and great non lethal self defense devices. You dont permanently hurt the person you attack with the king cobra stun guns. The person is hit by a powerful 90000 volts of electric jerk enough to faint the person to the floor.

The best part of using and having king cobra stun guns is the fact that these stun guns are very small in size and you can keep them in your pocket and the women can keep them and carry them as their own non lethal self defense devices that they can keep them safely in their handbags.

No one can attack you, and hurt you personally if you have and if you carry the king cobra stun guns. You are always saved by the power of the 90000 volts that the king cobra stun guns offer you.


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