Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dental clinic in Alexandria – Hayfield Alexandria Dental care center

In Alexandria, one of the names that is the leading name and is one of the most famous names in the field of dental care and cosmetic dentistry is the Hayfield Dental Care center. Hayfield has been serving the Alexandria region since 1987 and it's been almost 17+ years while Alexandria has been getting eminent services of Hayfield Dental Care Center.

Hayfield dental clinic has served over 23000 patients since its inception and Hayfield is known for its outstanding cosmetic dentistry services apart from their general dental treatment and dental care services that the clinic has been providing to its patients in and around the Alexandria region. Hayfield provides orthodontic consultations to the patients of the region at no charge to adult patients as well as to children.

The most important thing to know about Hayfield dental care is the fact that the institute has had just zero complaints till date while providing its services to over 23000 patients of the region, this reflects complete customer satisfaction and patients satisfaction till date while getting services from Hayfield Dental Care center.


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