Sunday, February 04, 2007

Alert - Prostate cancer patients get relief from seed implants!

More than ninety percent of men who receive appropriate radiation dose levels with permanent radiation seed implants to treat their prostate cancer are cured of their cancer eight years after diagnosis, according to a study released in the February 1 issue of the International Journal for Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, the official journal of ASTRO.

Doctors that were involved in this study did evaluated the overall long-term results of the permanent seed implants in patients, in men that had the early stage prostate cancer.

The patients were made to receive the seed implants as the whole and sole treatment for their prostate cancer problem with no additional kind of chemotherapy or radiation therapy as part of their treatment.

The seeds that were truly similar and were of in size of a grain of rice, contained a radiation kind of dose that, once implanted, delivered concentrated radiation to the prostate of the patient, sparing surrounding organs and tissue.


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