Saturday, February 03, 2007

SOLO Forest - GIS Mapping Software from Tripod Data Systems

SOLO Forest GIS Mapping Software is a unique kind of software that has been developed by Tripod data systems. SOLO Forest GIS

Mapping Software is a software that is made for the forestry applications that are coordinated by forestry experts and professionals.

SOLO Forest allows forestry professionals to plot and generate custom grids while making sure that they're working in the right direction

even while they are actually in the field and have not returned back to do their forestry labs.

Tripod data systems, the makers of SOLO Forest software have made the software in such a way that when the software is used by

forestry professionals, and they will feel that they have never ever used such a GIS application for their forestry tasks and needs. the

application features and integrates large number of GIS functionality onto a single toolbar so as to ease the overall usege of Solo Forest GIS mapping application. Forestry professionals will to love to use this application due to its overall simplicity as compared to the complex GIS tools that forestry professionals have been using till date.

One of the most important feature of this application for the forestry professionals is the fact that the software automatically tracks the plot points a forester has visited, changing the point symbol once foresters have collected all the data for that point.


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