High-performance blades from SGI for clustered systems
There was a recent news floating in the marketplace that the company SGI has launched high performance blades for its target market. The new SGI Altix ICE 8200 is made is such a way that the system can house truly up to 128 quad-core processors -- 512 cores -- in a single rack so as to deliver 6 teraflops to its users that need this kind of high performance system infrastructure.
This new system from SGI is here to offer even up to $53,000 in annual energy savings which is a major benefit in saving for the company that will be deploying these systems for implementation. This new system from SGI is here to address the overall power as well as the problematic cooling issues, which account as one of the core challenges that the managers of clustered systems have to face from day to day basis on an ongoing basis.
I believe that the system is going to magnificently help the managers of clustered systems as this ICE system is truly up to 40% more denser as compared to the competing blades which are available in the marketplace and apart from this these new systems are truly more energy efficient as compared to any other system which is available in the marketplace.
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