Saturday, June 02, 2007

Defination of Keratitis

When Keratitis condition takes place and affect a human being patient, then this condition of Keratitis results in the form of inflammation of the cornea of the human eye. Its the cornea inside the eyes of the human being that gets inflammed and this adversely affect the human being altogether.

When its the Keratitis in the form of Superficial keratitis, it affects the core superficial layers of the cornea of the human eyes. Once the healing has taken place, this kind of keratitis infection does not leaves a scar in the human eyes in most of the cases.

It is the condition of deep keratitis that affects and targets the deeper layers and regions of the cornea of the human eye. This condition affecting the deeper layers of the cornea does leave a  scar when the condition has healed up.


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