Saturday, June 02, 2007

Defination of Stye

Stye is a painful scenrio... Those who get affected by the stye condition have to face lots of pain in their eyes and lots of irritation and discomfort inside their eyes. Eyes are such a part of human body that should be treated exclusively with special care and attention because its the media that shows you this whole world... Its almost being out of this world if you do not have perfect eyes!

A stye or hordeolum is in fact a kind of infection of sebaceous glands that exist at the very base of eyelashes in the human eyes. The outcome of stye is not an everlasting effect or damage, but for the time being till the patient suffers from stye, the patient has to suffer from lots of pain in the eyes overall.

Styes are generally caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacteria infection and the condition of stye is very common in infants. Stye can be triggered by stress, poor nutrition or even the lack of sleep.


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