Thursday, April 12, 2007

Appraisal360 - personal feedback n personal appraisal

I believe this is one of the best services on the internet. I just came to know of it from an internet news protal. It's called Appraisal360 and it's what lets you know how people think of you and what are your hidden values, virtues and drawbacks that even you yourself have kept away from realizing the same, but people around you have already noticed them inside you.

Appraisal360 is a 360 degree feedback system where you answer a set of questions that measure your qualities, your virtues and your drawbacks as perceived by you. Now you choose 6 or more people around you and send the questionaire to them seeking their feedback. With that, you come to know what you are lacking in or what you have that you don't realize but others have already realized.

I believe Appraisal360 is a powerful guide system that is neutral since the feedbacks received from your fellows remain anonymous and you never know who said what about you. You just get the final report that what's inside you that everyone realizes. Great service to enhance one's own productivity! Classic!


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