Sunday, April 15, 2007 - upcoming online creditcard processor

Came to know of, checked out the web site and came to know that is an upcoming online ecommerce enabler.. an online secure digital electronic credit cards processor, a merchant processor service provider for online ecommerce sellers.

The company is specifically catering online credit card processing support to high risk online Merchant Account service to online merchants and online ecommerce processing shops on the internet.

The official web site of declares that the company offers online merchant solution service to high risk internet businesses such as Travel Businesses/Hotels/Travel Agencies , Established Legal Gaming , Offshore/International Credit Card Processing, Adult Merchant Account Solution, Merchants that were Shut Off, Debt/Collection Agencies, Pre-Paid Telephone Cards and others.

The merchant solutions of the company are standard and totally state of the art. Any online merchant can apply for their service and can initiate processing their sales online using!


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