Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Race for top ranking in search engines

Who doesn't wants to be at the top! The whole world is running after top positions whether it's the real world or its on internet online. To gain top ranking in the online world, what you need is a magical power for your web pages or web site that makes the web site jump on the top positions on internet search engines. THAT magical power is called as link popularity.

If you talk to any commercial web site manager whether its on a small scale or a large scale commerical web venture managers, what you get to hear all the time is their web site's ranking in search results. The top ranking of their web site's pages in search results for high valued keywords is one of the most crucial accomplishment that's sought by all online web site owners. THAT valuable accomplishment is attained by the power of link popularity.

Link popularity and SEO goes hands in hands together. No SEO is complete without link popularity. If a site seeks top position in search results, then it SHOULD have good SEO done for its web pages + healthy link popularity for their web site and web pages. Only then can a web site expect its pages to end up somewhere around top positions for its targeted search results!


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