Friday, December 12, 2008

Did you hear about the ice storm in new england?

This is the shocking news coming from new england. The whole region has been struck up by a severe ice storm that has truly captivated the whole region! The local government authorities have declared a state of emergency in the region and has requested all citizens in the region to take full precautions and minimize their activities and movements in the region.

The authorities have asked all people to minimize all possible travel activities in the region and have requested all people to keep and eye on all fallen trees and power cables because these fallen trees and cables can become the cause of new accidents in the region putting people in real troubles. So does better to stay where you are and you should also plan and prepare yourself for prolonged power outages to take place from now at least till the situation gets under control.

Check these important news references if you belong to new england region.

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch calls State of Emergency

Thousands without power in New Hampshire area


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