Saturday, June 02, 2007

BS in Public Safety – online degree program from Capella

Came across a recent press release from Capella University that informs that Capella university has recently launched a new Bachelor of Science program in Public Safety. This is a new online degree program from Capella University that aim at providing online education and online degree to the students that are keen to take up the stream of Public Safety as their lifetime career.

Apart from the BS program in public safety from capella university, the university and its subsections have also launched almost 8 different new graduate and undergraduate specialization programs in varied fields and subjects that include psychology, business, criminal justice, education and information technology.

The PR has informed that the enrollment for all these new online degree courses from capella university are right now open and students from all over the world can register themselves and apply for these new courses along with all other courses that are currently being offered by capella university. The classes for these courses are here to begin during summer quarter 2007.


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