Saturday, June 02, 2007

Appreciative Coaching by Sara Orem - Faculty of Capella University

Sara Orem, a faculty of Capella online university’s School of Business and Technology, recently co-authored of of the leading inspirational book called ‘Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process for Change’.

Appreciative Coaching is a unique kind of self improvement compilation that takes the readers through the process of positive questions, mindfulness and self recognition tools in order to make them acknowledge the overall hidden strengths inside the individuals that they yet have to discover.

Appreciative Coaching introduces the readers to the concept of four specific stages that everyone passes through, while traversing through the course leading to success.

The readers are introduced to the stages of Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny.

All these stages are here to inspire and awaken the readers to get started for putting up their efforts to shape up and build up the future that they themselves want to generate for themselves and people around themselves.

Capella university was founded in 1993 and since then, the online university has been growing its online programs to more than 83 online programs today that include graduate degree programs catering online learning in the fields of business, education, information technology, human services, and psychology. The university offers several online bachelor’s degree programs in the fields of business and information technology.


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